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Chasing Cal! The 2,632 Day Workout Challenge

Dear Reader,

As many of you know, I fully intend on completing this somewhat obscure and lengthy workout challenge. So far I have a number of people that are taking this challenge head on.

WELCOME: The note you get pretty much sums up the thoughts and inspiration behind the challenge. It's also a little glimpse into my mind. I'm somewhat competitive and I tend to be drawn towards obscure records...blend those together and you've got this workout challenge.

REWARD: If you manage to get through the whole thing I'll guarantee you a personalized shirt to commemorate this monumental achievement. The 'Chasing Cal' shirts will be unique to each finisher and WILL NOT be available for purchase. You'll only get one if you earn it, or if it's gifted to you by someone who did. Obviously, if you complete a 7.21 year workout program, you have other things to motivate you along the journey than a shirt, no matter how great it will be. Find what really matters to you and keep that in mind to push you along when times get tough.


Do I have to work out EVERY DAY for 2,632 days?

No, the point of the challenge is to follow a workout program for 2,632 days. If your workout program has rest days, it still qualifies. If you construct your own program you should be working out at least 4 days of the week. I'm not a personal trainer by any means so I'll allow you to set your own threshold as to what can be considered a workout. You should be doing this to get in better shape and to improve your quality of life, it's not to cheat your way through 7.21 years of fake workouts in order to get a shirt.

How do I keep a record?

I am tracking my record on the Facebook Page 'Everyday Workout Man' and I invite you to do the same. If not, you can tweet daily workout completions to my twitter handle @EDayWorkoutMan or send a list of your workout journal to on occasion. I encourage you to get in the habit of sending out your completed workouts on a daily basis (Day 1/2632, Day 2/2632, Day 3/2632, etc.).

Are you crazy?


Please send along more questions or comments, I'll update as needed.

Take Care and Good Luck!

Everyday Workout Man

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